
Venture Capital

5 Reasons “Dumb Money” is OK

There is a common view in the start-up investment world that “smart money” is worth a lot more to a company than “dumb money”: the latter being worth just its monetary value, while the former might warrant additional considerations (e.g. board seats, etc.). The use of a pejorative word...

Three Core Tech Trends

There are, in my mind, three major technology trends in this decade’s consumer electronics world: narcissism, visual realism, and naturalism in interaction. 1) Narcissism Narcissism is less interesting to TandemLaunch, but has become a major driver of our economy.  We all want to be famous, we all want to...
Entrepreneurship , People

Linearity and Employee Incentives Plans

In my last blog post I talked about the fundamentals of effective employee incentive plans:  Proportionality, Transparency, Appropriateness, and Certainty. To my mind of thinking, creating linearity in your employee incentive plans is essential to achieve Transparency and Proportionality, and I’d like to elaborate on that a bit using the...
Entrepreneurship , People

The CTO Role Broken Down

The CTO fills a critical role in a technology startup. The title is really broad, and people tend to cling to different aspects of it, but what do you really need your CTO to do in a startup? Here’s a quick breakdown for aspiring Chief Technology (or Technical) Officers....