There have been mixed reactions to the new America Invents Act. While the bill may be far from perfect, some of the concerns U.S. universities have had over the change to a First-to-File system are overstated in my opinion. Some are claiming that the conversion from First-to-Invent to First-to-File...
Author: Helge Seetzen
Five Essential Courses for Technology Entrepreneurs Students who are interested in technology entrepreneurship are likely taking plenty of engineering, physical sciences, or computer science courses. But there are a few non-technical courses that I would strongly recommend to anybody aspiring to be an entrepreneur. Even as a technical founder,...
A few years ago, during my first start-up adventures at Sunnybrook Technologies, a prototype fire taught me two important tech entrepreneur lessons: 1. Good entrepreneurs don’t panic. 2. Adversity is an opportunity, not a problem. We had just finished the first prototype of what would become the world’s first...
For the last month I had three people independently ask me for advice on selecting (Web2.0) Accelerators. Two of them were student entrepreneurs contemplating their first venture. All where attracted by the Accelerators promise to kick-start their business but a bit confused by the choices between different Accelerator programs. Students, inventors...
Investing in university ventures is difficult but worthwhile. The following are a few things to consider when you are negotiating investment deals with universities. All of this comes from my own experience and might not reflect the engagement with your particular university. 1. Know who you are engaging University...
At TandemLaunch, we invest in multi-media concepts but ultimately we are trying to disrupt the university technology transfer space. I wrote about the benefits of improving this highly inefficient $50billion+ market earlier. It’s big; it’s inefficient; and we believe that it is ripe for disruption. Technology transfer is a...
A few days ago I was at a “high society” party amongst captains of industry, political leaders and artists of renown from around the world (clearly as a “+1” to my spouse…). The crowd had two things in common: cowboy outfits (it was on a ranch), and pale...
A lot of undergraduate students ask me whether they should pursue an MBA or a technical PhD as a foundation of their entrepreneurial career. I have pursued both at some point, and frequently meet (and invest in) entrepreneurs with both degrees. Each has advantages but overall I’d recommend a...
There are many ways to define success. I didn’t start in a mud hut and I am not Bill Gates. Still, the first decade of my entrepreneurial career can, I think, be described as going from a fairly basic start* to success as a technology entrepreneur**. The following five...
Entrepreneurship has never been easier: Buy Steve Blank’s book on Customer Development; read all of Eric Ries’ posts; reduce your fundraising presentation to the Business Model Canvas; wear a hoodie and pivot like a lean ninja. Success is guaranteed. Not… Creating value from nothing is just as hard as...